Equipe 1 : Commande et Electronique Industrielle
Chef d’équipe: TLEMÇANI Abdelhalim
Composition de l’équipe N° 1 | |
Nom et Prénom | Grade |
Tlemçani Abdelhalim | Professeur |
Boulkhrachef Salah | MCA |
Hamidia Fathia | MCA |
Abbadi Amel | MCA |
Morsli Abdelkader | MCA |
Axes de recherchas de l’équipe N°1 :
- Modélisation et identification des systèmes complexes ;
- Commande décentralisée des systèmes interconnectés ;
- Implémentation pratique des différentes techniques ;
- Commande robuste des systèmes multivariables ;
- Commandes qualitatives des systèmes ;
- Réalisation des convertisseurs de puissance multi-niveaux (à structure NPC, Multicellulaires, matriciels …) ;
- Modélisation des composants d’électronique de puissance ;
- Développement de nouvelles structures des convertisseurs de puissance ;
- Filtrage actif ;
- Etude et développement des commandes à base des systèmes flous.
publication :2020-2024
N | Nom et prénom
Des auteurs |
Titre de l’article | Journal | Catégorie
A+/A/B/C |
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01 | Adel Yahiaoui AbdelhalimTlemçani Omar Labbadli |
Development of an intelligent solution for the optimization of a hybrid system using renewable energy sources | Wind Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1177/0309524X241227432 |
02 | Nassim Sabri, AbdelhalimTlemçani AissaChouder Walid Merrouche |
An Improved Fault Diagnosis in Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System Using Artificial Neural Network | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-023-00671-0 |
03 | BenyoucefKaddour, Noureddine Henini, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Mohamed Allali | Efficient control of three-phase cascaded multilevel Z-Source inverter using SHEPWM technique | Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences | B | https://ojs.studiespublicacoes.com.br/ojs/index.php/sees/article/view/2794 |
04 | Brahim Kehileche, Younes Chiba, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Noureddine Henini | Numerical and thermal analysis of a caloric refrigeration device operating near room temperature | International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration | B | https://doi.org/10.1007/s44189-023-00037-5 |
05 | Abdelkrim KHERKHAR, DIDI Faouzi, Younes CHIBA, Abdelhalim TLEMÇANI | Proportional Derivative (PD)-Based Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Control Design of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | Tobacco Regulatory Science | A | https://tobreg.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1434 |
06 | F.Hamidia, A.Abbadi | Improved Hybrid Pumping System with Storage Battery Based on Particle Swarm Algorithm | Revue roumaine des sciences techniques-série électrotechnique et énergétique | A | https://journal.iem.pub.ro/rrst-ee/article/view/44/115 |
07 | F.Hamidia, A.Abbadi | SOFC-PV System with Storage Battery Based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory | B | http://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v22n4/2(84)a.pdf
08 | F.Hamidia, A.Abbadi, MR. Skender, A.Morsli,F.Bettache, A.Medjber and ATlemçani. | Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Remora Algorithm under PSC |
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory | B | http://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v23n4/3(89)a.pdf
09 | A.Abbadi, F.Hamidia, Y.Chiba | Adaptive Non-Linear Voltage Controller Based Multivariable Sliding Mode Extremum Seeking Approach Applied to Multi-Machine Power System | Revue roumaine des sciences techniques-série électrotechnique et énergétique | A | https://journal.iem.pub.ro/rrst-ee/article/view/41/146
10 | A Abbadi, F.Hamidia, A.Morsli, MR.Skender, F.Didi, F.Bettache | Nonlinear Voltage Controller-based Model Predictive Control with a Prescribed Degree of Stability Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Control System and Laguerre Functions for Multimachine Power Systems | Tobacco Regulatory Science | A | https://tobreg.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1435/1370 |
11 | MR.Skender, F.Hamidia,A.Abbadi,A.Tlemçani,F.Didi,MSchouchane | A Serie Multi-Cells Converter Controlled by Dspace 1103 Using Pid and Fopid Controller tuning with GWO and 12PSO Algorithms: Experimental on Grid-Connected Solar PV System | Tobacco Regulatory Science | A | https://tobreg.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1182/1178
12 | A.Abbadi, F.Hamidia, A.Morsli, H. Bellatrache, D. Boukhetala, L.Nazli | Interval Type 2 Fuzzy-Logic-Based Solar Power MPPT Algorithm Connected to AC Grid | International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering | B | https://www.igi-global.com/gateway/article/241883#pnlRecommendationForm |
13 | N.Rai, A.Abbadi,F.Hamidia,N.Douifi,B.Abdusalam, K.Yahia | Biogeography-Based Teaching Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm for Identifying One-Diode, Two-Diode and Three-Diode Models of Photovoltaic Cell and Module |
Mathematics, MDPI | A | https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/11/8/1861
14 | N.Douifi, A.Abbadi,F.Hamidia,N.Douifi,M.Mahmoud,K.YahiaN.Rai | A Novel MPPT Based Reptile Search Algorithm for Photovoltaic System under Various Conditions |
Applied sciences-Basel, MDPI | A | https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/8/4866
15 | A. Morsli,W. Menasri, A.Abbadi, F.Hamidia, A.Tlemçani, F.Didi,MSchouchane | Comparative study between proportional integral and neural networks controllers of a Shunt Active Power Filter Powered by Photovoltaic System | Tobacco Regulatory Science | A | https://tobreg.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1209/1205 |
16 | A. Morsli,W. Menasri, A.Abbadi, F.Hamidia, A.Tlemçani, H
Belmili,H.Nouri ; Faouzi Didi |
The Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller of a Flyback Converter used in a Photovoltaic System |
neuroquantology | B | https://www.neuroquantology.com/open-access/The+Maximum+Power+Point+ Tracking+Controller+of+a
+Flyback+Converter+used+in+a+Photovoltaic+ +System_12606/?download=true |
17 | A. Abbadi, F. Hamidia, A. Morsli, M. R. Skender and A. Tlemcani | Improved Power Quality with Active Shunt Power Filter Based on Optimized PI Controller and Flying Squirrel Search MPPT Technique Applied to the WECS | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theor | B | https://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v24n3.htm |
18 | A. Abbadi , F. Hamidia , A. Morsli , M. R. Skender and A. Tlemçani | Improved Power Quality with Active Shunt Power Filter Based on Optimized PI Controller and Flying Squirrel Search MPPT Technique Applied to the WECS | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 24 (3) (2024) 217–227. | B | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03242-w |
19 | WahibaMenasri, Abdelkader Morsli, Abdallah Skoudarli,AbderrezakGacemi | Design and FPGA implementation of mixed VVC/HEVC CABAC decoding | Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer. (2024). | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-024-02397-6 |
20 | Amjad Ali, Abdelkader Morsli, Omar H. Al-Zoubi, José R. Nuñez-Alvarez, Mohammad Ahmar Khan, SaifHameedHlail, KarrarHatifMohmmed, Jamal K. Abbas, Abhinav Kumar, Ahmed HuseenRedhee | A multi-stage interval optimization approach for operation of the smart multi-carries energy system considering energy prices uncertainty | Electrical Engineering. Springer, pp. 1-21,(2024). | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-024-02397-6 |
21 | Abdelkader Morsli, Amjad Ali, Omar H. AL-Zoubi, Laith H. Alzubaidi, Sarah Jawad Shoja, Maki Mahdi Abdulhasan, MortezaArjomandi | Design and theoretical study of new configuration of photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) solar collector | AIP Advances14, 025144 (2024). | A | https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0187916 |
22 | Abdelkader Morsli, WahibaMenasri, Amel Abbadi, FethiaHamidia, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Hocine Belmili, Hassan Nouri, Faouzi Didi | The Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller of a Flyback Converter used in a Photovoltaic System | NeuroQuantology journal, October 2023, Volume 21, Issue 7. Page 605-613. | B | https://doi.org/10.48047/nq.2023.21.7.nq23053 |
23 | AmelAbbadi, FethiaHamidia, AbdelkaderMorsli, Mohamed RedhaSkender, FaouziDidi, Farouk. Bettache | Nonlinear Voltage Controller-based Model Predictive Control with a Prescribed Degree of Stability Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Control System and Laguerre Functions for Multimachine Power Systems | Tobacco Regulatory Science. 2023, 9(1), 3441-3458 | A | https://doi.org/10.18001/TRS.9.1.241 |
24 | Abdelkader Morsli, WahibaMenasri, Amel Abbadi, FethiaHamidia, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Faouzi Didi, Moustafa SahnouenChaouche | Comparative Study between Propotional Integral and Neural Networks Controllers of a Shunt Active Power Filter Powered by a Photovoltaic System | Tobacco Regulatory Science. 2023, 9(1), 1698-1713 | A | https://doi.org/10.18001/TRS.9.1.116 |
25 | HamidiaFethia, AbbadiAmel, Skender Mohamed Reda, MorsliAbdelkader, Bettache Farouk , Medjber Ahmed and TlemçaniAbdelhalim | Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on RemoraAlgorithm under PSC | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 23 (4) (2023) 381–388 | B | https://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v23n4.htm |
26 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi, Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani | Compensation of harmonics using a shunt active power filter powered by a photovoltaic source | PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 99 NR 6/2023 | B | https://doi.org/10.15199/48.2023.06.13 |
27 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi, Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani | Photovoltaic Source Powered Shunt Active Power Filter Optimized by Cuckoo Search Algorithm | Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés. Vol. 56, No. 1, February, 2023, pp. 49-54 | B | https://doi.org/10.18280/jesa.560107 |
28 | A. Morsli, A. Tlemcani and H. Nouri | Control of a Shunt Active Power Filter by the Synchronous Referential Method Connected with a Photovoltaic Solar Energy | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 22 (4) (2022) 424–431. | B | https://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v22n4.htm |
29 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi, Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani | A Photovoltaic System Controlled by the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Supplied a Shunt Active Power Filter | European Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. 24, No. 3, June, 2022, pp. 155-160. | B | https://doi.org/10.18280/ejee.240305
30 | Ahmed Medjber, AbdelhafidhMoualdia and AbdelkaderMorsli | PI-Fuzzy Control Applied to the Hybrid PV / Wind Pumping System with Energy Storage | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 22 (3) (2022) 319–329. | B | https://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v22n3.htm |
31 | Abdelkader Morsli, Noureddine OuldCherchali, Amel Abbadi, AbderrezakGacemi, Mohamed KhelilCherfi and AbdelhalimTlemçani | Study and Simulation of a Shunt Active Power Filter powered by a Photovoltaic Source Controlled by Sliding Mode | Journal of Renewable Energies GéCLEREE’21 Médéa (2021) 45 – 54.
B | https://doi.org/10.54966/jreen.v1i1.1031 |
32 | A. Morsli, A. Tlemçani, A. Krama, A. Abbadi, L. Zellouma and H.Nouri | Application of the Direct Power Control Strategy in a Shunt Active Filter by Exploiting the Solar Photovoltaic Energy as a Continuous Source | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 20 (4) (2020). | B | https://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v20n4.htm |
33 | Amel Abbadi, FethiaHamidia, Abdelkader Morsli, HabibaBellatrache, Djamel Boukhetala and LazhariNazli | Interval Type 2 Fuzzy-Logic-Based Solar Power MPPT Algorithm Connected to AC Grid | International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering. Volume 9 • Issue 1 • January-March 2020 | B
https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9152-9.ch037 |
34 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi, Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani | Compensation of harmonics using a shunt active power filter powered by a photovoltaic source. | PrzegladElektrotechniczny | B | 10.15199/48.2023.06.13 |
35 | Adel Yahiaoui, AbdelhalimTlemçani | A comparison study of HRES for electrification of a rural city in Algeria | Wind Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1177/0309524X221133810 |
36 | Mohamed RedhaSkender, FethiaHamidia, Amel Abadi, AbdelhalimTlemcani, Faouzi Didi, Moustafa SahnouneChaouche | A Series Multi-Cells Converter Controlled by Dspace 1103 Using Pid and Fopid Controller Tuning with Gwo and Pso Algorithms: Experimental on Grid-Connected Solar PvSystem | Tobacco Regulatory Science (TRS) | A | https://tobreg.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1182 |
37 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi, Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani | Photovoltaic Source Powered Shunt Active Power Filter Optimized by Cuckoo Search Algorithm. | Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés | B | 10.18280/jesa.560107 |
38 | Randa Babouche, Noureddine Henini, Kamel Saoudi, AbdelhalimTlemcani | A robust intelligent nonlinear control for a VSC-based HVDC station. | PrzegladElektrotechniczny | B | 10.15199/48.2022.12.40 |
39 | Yazid Sadok Bouziane, Noureddine Henini, AbdelhalimTlemçani | Energy Management of a Hybrid Generation System Based on Wind Turbine Coupled with a Battery/Supercapacitor. | Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés | B | |
40 | Adel Yahiaoui, AbdelhalimTlemçani | Superior performances strategies of different hybrid renewable energy systems configurations with energy storage units | Wind Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1177/0309524X221084124 |
communications :2020-2024
N | Nom et prénom
Des auteurs |
Titre de communications | Nom de (conférence, séminaire, congres…) | Indexation dans la base WOS, SCOPUS OU AUTRE…..
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01 | Zakaria Charfi, SmainBentouati, AbdelhalimTlemçani | A Comparison of Control Strategies for Passivity-Based VSI in Microgrids Between Conventional Droop Control and Droop Control with Two Integrators | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419645 | |||||
02 | Adel Yahiaoui, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Abdellah Kouzou | Identification of PV Module Parameters Considering Output Power | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419665 | |||||
03 | ThamirDeghboudj, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Abdellah Derghal | Identifying Broken Rotor Bars in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors: Examination of Statistical Characteristics Derived from Start-Up Current Envelope | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419753 | |||||
04 | Fayçal Hadj Mihoub Sidi Moussa, Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Hocine Belmili, Hassan Nouri | A Comparison Analysis between Two and Three Levels Inverter to Grid-Connected Used the Photovoltaic System | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419754 | |||||
05 | KehilecheBrahim; AbdelhalimTlemçani; Younes Chiba | Piezoelectric Energy Conversion and Its Applications: Sensors and Actuators | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419649 | |||||
06 | Charfi Zakaria; BentouatiSmain; TlemçaniAbdelhalim | Two-Stage Converter Based on Droop Control and IDA-PBC in Islanded Mode | 2023 International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Control and Communication Systems (ICAECCS) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/ICAECCS56710.2023.10105008 | |||||
07 | N. OuldCherchali; M. R. Skender; B. Bentchikou; A. Tlemçani | Parametric identification of a photovoltaic panel by the Firefly algorithm | 2022 13th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC) | WOS et SCOPUS | 10.1109/IREC56325.2022.10001922 | |||||
08 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi |
Pumping System Supplied by Solid Oxide Fuel Cell | 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://www.icaires.com
09 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi |
DTC-DPC of Induction machine connected to Wind generator | 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-63846-7_9 | https://www.icaires.com
10 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi, Y.Chiba A.Tlemçani |
New Approach for Maximum Power Point Tracking Method using Sliding Mode with Exponential Reaching Law for a Residential Photovoltaic System |
4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | |||||||
11 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi |
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based on Z-Source Inverter fed IM
1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials, Ouargla, Algeria | https://www.univ-ouargla.dz/index.php/fr/accueil/annonces/item/4602-1st-international-conference-on-sustainable-energy-and-advanced-materials.html
12 | A.Abbadi
Improvement of the Transient Stability and the Voltage Regulation of Multi-machine Power System using Super Twisting Sliding Mode Controller | 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials, Ouargla, Algeria | https://www.univ-ouargla.dz/index.php/fr/accueil/annonces/item/4602-1st-international-conference-on-sustainable-energy-and-advanced-materials.html
13 | N.Rai
A.Abbadi F.Hamidia
Parameters extraction of three-diode photovoltaic model using differential evolution algorithm
1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials, Ouargla, Algeria | https://www.univ-ouargla.dz/index.php/fr/accueil/annonces/item/4602-1st-international-conference-on-sustainable-energy-and-advanced-materials.html
14 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi |
Maximum Power Point based on Sliding Mode and Sinusoidal Extremum Seeking Control Comparison |
𝟏ère Conférence internationale sur la transition énergétique et la sécurité ICETS’ 21, Adrar, Algeria | https://icets.univ-adrar.edu.dz/
15 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi |
MPPT based on Grey Wolf Optimization
5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-92038-8_6 | https://www.icaires.com
16 | A.Abbadi
Multivariable Extremum Seeking MPPT Control for Photovoltaic Farm Connected to Utility Grid
5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-92038-8_24 | https://www.icaires.com
17 | A new modified incremental conductance algorithm used for PV system | 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-92038-8_26
18 | MR.Skender
A.Abbadi F.Hamidia A.Tlemçani
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) For Photovoltaic Using a Higher Order Sliding Mode Combined with Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) Of a Series Multi-Cells Inverter | International SRT Conference on scientific research, Turkey
ISBN: 978-625-7464-52-9
19 | .Hamidia
A.Abbadi |
MPPT-JAYA Algorithm for Photovoltaic System | 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tamanrasset, Algeria | https://icaires.com/icaires22/
20 | A.Abbadi
Grey Wolf MPPT controller for Grid Connected Residential Wind System Operating under Low and High Variations in Wind Speed | 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tamanrasset, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-21216-1_28
21 | HamidiaFethia, Abbadi. Amel, Skender. Mohamed Redha, MorsliAbdelkader, Bettache Farouk, Salhi Fatima | MOTH-FLAME-MPPT Algorithms of PV Panels Under PSC
7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-60629-8?page=1#toc
22 | A. Abbadi, F. Hamidia, M. R. Skender, A. Morsli, F. Bettache | Kalman MPPT Controller for Home Turbine Connected to the Utility Grid |
7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-60629-8?page=1#toc
23 | A. Abbadi, F. Hamidia, M. R. Skender, A. Morsli, F. Bettache | Improved Power Quality with Active Shunt Power Filter based on MPPT Firefly Controller of a Wind Turbine |
7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-60629-8?page=1#toc
24 | Ali Hamil, FethiaHamidia, AmelAbbadi | Efficient Solar Energy Harvesting and Power Management for Electric Vehicles using MPPT under partial shading conditions and Battery/Super-capacitor Integration | 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-60629-8?page=1#toc
25 | Ali Hamil, FethiaHamidia, AmelAbbadi | A Comparative Study of Speed Control Strategies for In-Wheel Direct Current Machines in Electric Vehicles: PI, Fuzzy Logic, and Artificial Neural Networks | 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-60629-8?page=1#toc
https://icaires.com/icaires/ | |||||
26 | Nadia. Douifi, Amel. Abbadi, Fethia. Hamidia | Improving Wind Turbine Performance in Residential Grid-ConnectedSystem operating at variable wind conditions with a WOA-MPPT Based strategy
7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, Tipaza, Algeria | https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-60629-8?page=1#toc
https://icaires.com/icaires/ | |||||
27 | A.Medjber
MR.Skender F.Hamidia
PV/wind hybrid energy system for agricultural applications | 3rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research, Konya, Turkey | |||||||
28 | MR.Skender
A.Abbadi F.Hamidia A.Tlemçani
Asynchronous Machine Controlled by A Series Multi-Cells Converter Using FOPID Controller Tuning with GWO |
3rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research, Konya, Turkey | https://www.icsarconf.com/ | ||||||
29 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi MR.Skender A.Morsli |
MPPT based FPA control for PV Pumping System | 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM 2023), Medea, Algeria | https://www.univ-medea.dz/ic2em2023/
30 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi MR.Skender |
Field Oriented Controlled DFIM supplied with PVG and based on FLC | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2020, Medea | |||||||
31 | A.Abbadi
F.Hamidia MR.Skender
Fuzzy Sliding Current Controller withExponential Reaching Law of Voltage Source Inverter in Grid Connected Residential Photovoltaic PowerSystem | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2020, Medea | |||||||
32 | MR.Skender
A.Abbadi F.Hamidia A.Tlemçani
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)For Photovoltaic using A higher order sliding mode control of aseries multi-cells inverter | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2020, Medea | |||||||
33 | A.Medjber
A.Moualdia F.Hamidia H.Belimi
Modeling and optimization of a hybrid power generation system (Wind/PV) connected to the electricity grid using artificial intelligence techniques | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2020, Medea | |||||||
34 | F.Hamidia
A.Abbadi A.Medjber
PVG supplied AC Load by using MPPT based on Hill Climbing Method |
1st National Conference on Applied Computing and Smart Technologies, Sidi Bel Abbès | |||||||
35 | A.Abbadi
Extremum Seeking Approach for the Control of the Grid Connected Residential Photovoltaic System
The 2nd Conference on Electrical Engineering, CEE21 | |||||||
36 | A.Abbadi
F.Hamidia MR.Skender F.Bettache |
An MPPT Controller based on Cuckoo Search for Residential Wind Energy Conversion System | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2022, Medea | |||||||
37 | R.Skender
A.Abbadi F.Hamidia A.Abdelahlim |
Metaheuristic control of a series multi-cells inverter for grid connected solar PV system based PSO method | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2022, Medea | |||||||
38 | F.Bettache
S.Bentouti A.Abbadi F.Hamidia
Ethernet Control of an induction motor via a PLC using LabVIEW | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials, ASREM2022, Medea | |||||||
39 | FayçalHadjMihoubSidi Moussa,
AbdelkaderMorsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani, |
Performance Evaluation and Comparative Study of Single and Two Stages Inverters Used in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems | 2nd International Conference on Electricat Engineering and Automatic Control. 12-14 Mai 2024, Setif, Algeria. | |||||||
40 | WahibaMenasri, AbdelkaderMorsli, AbderrezakGacemi, Amina Yahia, ChouihiLakhder, Softa Khalil | Software and Hardware Implementation of Regular Mode CABAC Decoder in VVC Standard | The 8th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Application (ISPA 2024). April 21st-22nd 2024. Biskra, Algeria. | Software and Hardware Implementation of Regular Mode CABAC Decoder in VVC Standard | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore | ||||||
41 | FayçalHadjMihoubSidi Moussa,
AbdelkaderMorsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani, Hocine Belmili, HassanNouri |
A Comparison Analysis Between Two and Three Levels Inverter to Grid-Connected Used the Photovoltaic System | 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM 2023). November 28-29, 2023, MedeaUniversity, Medea, Algeria. | SCOPUS & | ||||||
42 | HamidiaFethia,
AbbadiAmel, Skender Mohamed Redha, MorsliAbdelkader |
MPPT based FPA control for PV Pumping System | 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM 2023). November 28-29, 2023, MedeaUniversity, Medea, Algeria. | MPPT based FPA Control for PV Pumping System | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore | ||||||
43 | HamidiaFethia,
AbbadiAmel, Skender Mohamed Redha, MorsliAbdelkader, Bettache Farouk, Salhi Fatima |
MOTH-FLAME-MPPT Algorithms of PV Panels Under PSC | 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Systems ICAIRES2023. Held on November 26-28, 2023 in Maison de l’environnement de Tipaza, Algeria. | |||||||
44 | F. Hadj Mihoub Sidi Moussa, A. Morsli,
A. Tlemçani, H. Belmili, H. Nouri |
Performance analysis of perturb & observe, incremental conductance, and fuzzy logic MPPT controllers for grid-connected PV systems | The 6th International Conference on ELectrotechnics, Mohamed Boudiaf –USTO, Oran, Algeria. November 14-15, 2023. | |||||||
45 | SidahmedFekroun, AbdelkaderMorsli, AbdelhafidhMoualdia | Control of a Wind Conversion Chain based on PMSG Integrating a Vienna Rectifier and Shunt Active Power Filters | 2nd International Conference on contemporary Academic Research ICCAR 2023 on November 4-5, 2023 in Konya, Turkey. | |||||||
46 | WahibaMenasri,
Amina Yahia, AbdelkaderMorsli, Mohamed LamineMouhoubi, AkilBattache, AbderrezakGacemi |
Localization of Mobils Robots with Global Position System Sensor | The 1st International Conference on Advances Electronics, Control and Computer Technologies. October 25th – 26th, 2023, Mascara, Algeria. | |||||||
47 | AnfelSkender,
AbdelouahabKhattara, AbdelkaderMorsli |
Comparing Command Strategies for Shunt Active Power Filters in Low Voltage Networks | The 5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration(EMCEI-23), held in Rende (Cosenza), Italy, from 2 to 5 October 2023. | |||||||
48 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi and AbdelkaderMorsli | A Photovoltaic System Controlled by the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Suppled a shunt Active Power Filter | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials ASREM2022, March 16-17, 2022 Medea- Algeria. | |||||||
49 | NoureddineOuldCherchali, Mohamed RédhaSkender, BrahimBentchikou, AbdelhalimTlemçani, AbdelkaderMorsli | Parametric Identification of a Photovoltaic Panel by the Firefly Algorithm | The 13th International Renewable Energy Congress “IREC2022” Organised in Hammamet – Tunisia on December 13th-15th, 2022. | SCOPUS & | ||||||
50 | Ahmed Benfatah, NoureddineHenini,
AbdelkaderMorsli |
Photovoltaic Power Generation System Z-Source Inverter | The 1st International Conference on Moderne Electrical Engineering and Technology CIETM’22. February 18-19, 2022, Souk Ahras, Algeria. | |||||||
51 | A. Morsli,
N. OuldCherchali, A. Abbadi, A. Gacemi, M. KhelilCherfi, A. Tlemçani |
Study and simulation of a shunt active power filter powered by a photovoltaic source controlled by sliding mode | 1er Séminaire national sur le Génie climatique, Énergie renouvelables & Efficacité énergétique (GÉCLEREE2021), 04-05 Décembre 2021, Médéa, Algérie. | |||||||
52 | KhelilCherfi M.,
Gacemi A., Morsli A. |
Compensation of harmonics using a shunt active power filter connected to a photovoltaic source | 1er Séminaire national sur le Génie climatique, Énergie renouvelables & Efficacité énergétique (GÉCLEREE2021), 04-05 Décembre 2021, Médéa, Algérie. | |||||||
53 | Abdelkader Morsli, AbdelhalimTlemçani, AbderrezakGacemi, Mohamed KhelilCherfi | Modeling and Simulation of a Shunt Active Power Filtersupplied by a PV Source Controlled by Neural Networks | The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials IC-SEAM’21 April 21-22, 2021, University KasdiMerbah of Ouargla, Ouargla, Algeria. | |||||||
54 | Mohamed KhelilCherfi, AbderrezakGacemi, AbdelkaderMorsli | Shunt active power filter powered by fuzzy logic controlled photovoltaic system | 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced MaterialsIC-SEAM’21. April 21-22, 2021, UniversityKasdiMerbah of Ouargla Ouargla, Algeria. | |||||||
55 | A. Morsli,
N. Henini, A. Moualdia, Z. Amokrane, A. Abbadi, A.Tlemçani |
Experimental Validation of a Shunt Active Power Filter realizing an MPPT Controller and DC-DC Boost Converter of a PV Source | Algerian Symposium on Renewable Energy and Materials ASREM2020, December 16-17, 2020 Médéa-Algeria. | |||||||