Equipe 2 : Modélisation et Contrôle des machines Electriques
Chef d’équipe: KABECHE Nadir
Composition de l’équipe N° 2 | |
Nom et Prénom | Grade |
Kabeche Nadir | MCA |
Moulahoum Samir | Professeur |
Kechidi Ziane | MCA |
Abdi Sifeddine | MCA |
Axes de recherchas de l’équipe N° 2 :
- Modélisation et simulation des systèmes électriques : Actionneurs et Générateurs ;
- Modélisation Avancée des Machines tournantes
- Développer et étudier les aérogénérateurs pour la production d’énergie éolienne ;
- Conception et mise en œuvre d’algorithmes pour la commande en temps réel des machines électriques
- Développement des techniques de diagnostic des machines et des systèmes électriques ;
- Utilisation des transformateurs intelligents pour une intégration efficace des énergies renouvelables dans un réseau électrique
- Gestion optimale et control de stabilité d’un micro-réseau autonome ou connecté au réseau public en intégrant des sources renouvelables.
- Coordination de l’isolatrice haute tension
- Étude de phénomènes transitoires dans les réseaux électriques
Année de publication :2024
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A+/A/B/C |
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01 | Nassim Zemirline, Nadir Kabeche, Samir Moulahoum | A Modular Multilevel Converter-Shunt Active Power Filter-Based Hybrid Topology for Grid Power Quality Improvement | Electric Power Components and Systems | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s43236-023-00761-6 |
02 | Nassim Zemirline, Nadir Kabeche, Samir Moulahoum | Artificial neural network controller for grid current quality improvement in solid-state transformers | Journal of Power Electronics | A | https://doi.org/10.1080/15325008.2024.2333433 |
03 | Amal Faid, Ziane Kechidi, Abdelatif Tahraoui, Rabia Amour | Oblique Propagation of Dissipative Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Magnetized Viscous Plasma With k-Gurevich Distributed Electrons | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | A | https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2024.3360524 |
04 | Moustafa Sahnoune Chaouche, Faouzi Didi, Malika Amari, Naima Sofi, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum | Transformer winding faults diagnosis using the transfer function of its high-frequency lumped equivalent model from the measured FRA data | Brazilian Journal of Technology | B | https://doi.org/10.38152/bjtv7n2-004 |
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Année de publication : 2023
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01 | Samir Chekour, Ziane Kechidi, Abdelatif Tahraoui, Amour Rabia | Modeling of Electrostatic Sheath in Electronegative Magnetized Dusty Plasma in the Presence of Monoenergetic Electrons | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | A | https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2023.3325946 |
02 | Ziane Kechidi, Mohamed Messaoud Louamri, Nabil Arab, Rabia Amour | Effects of adiabatically trapped nonthermal polarization force on dressed dust acoustic solitary waves in non-Maxwellian plasma | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | A | https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2023.3273112 |
03 | Mohamed Hallouz, Nadir Kabeche, Samir Moulahoum and Ziane Kechidi | Experimental Investigation of DFIG-based Wind Energy Conversion System Using Fuzzy Logic Control | Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | B | https://doi.org/10.3311/PPee.21233 |
04 | Hassane Ezziane, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, Abderrazak Amara | Evaluating the Severity of Transformer Winding Faults using FRA and Artificial Intelligence | Russian Electrical Engineering | B | https://doi.org/10.3103/S1068371223020050 |
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Année de publication : 2022
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01 | Mohamed Hallouz, Nadir Kabeche, Samir Moulahoum, Rabeh Benkercha | Implementation of an enhanced M5p tree controller based on ANN data applied to a doubly-fed induction generator | Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy | A | https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0125713 |
02 | Ahmed Bouhouta, Samir Moulahoum, Nadir Kabache | A novel combined Fuzzy-M5P model tree control applied to grid-tied PV system with power quality consideration | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects | A | https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2022.2060380 |
03 | Ahmed Bouhouta, Samir Moulahoum, Nadir Kabache | Efficient learning approach using new combined fuzzy-M5P model tree: experimental investigation of active power filters | Journal of Power Electronics | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s43236-022-00434-w |
04 | Rachid Sahnoune Chaouche, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, Moustafa Sahnoune Chaouche, Samir Bensaid | A robust approach for locating and assessing mechanical faults in an actual transformer winding using the state space of its lumped equivalent model | Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing | A | https://doi.org/10.1134/S1061830922060092 |
05 | Hassane Ezziane, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, Moustafa Sahnoune Chaouche | A novel method to identification type, location, and extent of transformer winding faults based on FRA and SMOTE-SVM | Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing | A | https://doi.org/10.1134/S1061830922050047 |
06 | Sifeddine Abdi, Abderrahmane Manu Haddad, Noureddine Harid, Ahmed Boubakeur | Modelling the effect of thermal aging on transformer oil electrical characteristics using a regression approach | Energies | A | https://doi.org/10.3390/en16010381 |
07 | Oualid Aissa, Samir Moulahoum, Hicham Talhaoui, Badreddine Babes, Abdelhalim Kessal | Experimental Validation of the Boost Power Factor Corrector Converter Based on Smart Intuitive Control Law | Electric Power Components and Systems | A | https://doi.org/10.1080/15325008.2022.2136289 |
08 | Ahmed Bouhouta, Samir Moulahoum, Nadir Kabache | Hybrid backup energy based on PV/Wind system for marine tugboat: A case study of ASD tug of Arzew port in Algeria | Wind Engineering | B | https://doi.org/10.1177/0309524X221077455 |
09 | Ahmed Bouhouta, Samir Moulahoum, Nadir Kabache | Harmonic Mitigation in Utility Grid with Highly Unbalanced Nonlinear Load Using Intelligent Controller: an Experimental Study | Przeglad Elektrotechniczny | B | https://doi.org/10.15199/48.2022.04.01 |
10 | Nassima Aissaoui, Hamza Houassine and Nadir Kabache | Partial discharge detection in transformer winding using FRA analysis | Przeglad Elektrotechniczny | B | https://doi.org/10.15199/48.2022.08.10 |
11 | Hassane Ezziane, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, Moustafa Sahnoune Chaouche | Classifying Transformer Winding Fault Type, Location and Extent using FRA based on Support Vector Machine | Przeglad Elektrotechniczny | B | https://doi.org/10.15199/48.2022.01.04 |
Année de publication : 2021
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01 | Ziane Kechidi, Hannachi Zitouni, Abdelatif Tahraoui, Ahmed Hafid Belbachir, Soumia Bendella | Numerical Investigation of Reactive Species Generation in He/O2Admixture Capacitively Coupled Plasma | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-020-04955-z |
02 | Sifeddine Abdi, Noureddine Harid, Leila Safiddine, Ahmed Boubakeur, Abderrahmane Haddad | The correlation of transformer oil electrical properties with water content using a regression approach | Energies | A | https://doi.org/10.3390/en14082089 |
03 | Benessalah Djamel, Hamza Houassine, Nadir Kabache, Djelloul Moussaoui | Electromagnetic nonlinear parametric study of the SynRM using FEM method | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | B | https://doi.org/10.11591/ijeecs.v24.i2.pp637-648 |
Année de publication : 2020
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01 | Nabil. Rebiai, Abdelatif Tahraoui, Ziane Kechidi | Effect of dust grains size distribution on the Bohm sheath criterion in plasmas | Physics of Plasmas | A | https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0013201 |
02 | Ziane Kechidi, Abdelatif Tahraoui | Influence of external input parameters on species production in a dual-frequency capacitively coupled radio-frequency oxygen plasma | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-019-04113-0 |
03 | Taher Djellouli, Samir Moulahoum, Abdelhafidh Moualdia, MS Bouchrit, Patrice Wira | Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control Strategy of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor Using an ANN and an EKF | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory | B | https://www.e-ndst.kiev.ua/v20n4/3(74).pdf |
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Année de publication : 2019
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01 | Oualid Aissa, Samir Moulahoum, Badreddine Babes | Functioning ability of multilevel Vienna converter as new parallel active filtering configuration: simulation and experimental evaluation | Electrical Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-019-00856-z |
02 | Rabeh Benkercha, Samir. Moulahoum, Bilal Taghezouit | Extraction of the PV modules parameters with MPP estimation using the modified flower algorithm | Renewable energy | A | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.05.107 |
03 | Sidali Blaifi, Samir Moulahoum, Bilal. Taghezouit, Abdelhakim Saim | An enhanced dynamic modeling of PV module using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm | Renewable Energy | A | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2018.12.054 |
M. Radjai, D. Maouche, N. Guechi, S. Cheddadi, Z. Kechidi | Investigation of structural and elastic properties of monoclinic BaPX (X Cl, Br, I) Zintl Salts compounds | Condensed Matter | B | https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1910.00915 | |
Année de publication : 2018
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A+/A/B/C |
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01 | O. Aissa, Samir Moulahoum, I. Colak, B. Babes, Nadir Kabache | Analysis and experimental evaluation of shunt active power filter for power quality improvement based on predictive direct power control | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-017-0396-1 |
02 | Rabeh Benkercha, Samir Moulahoum | Fault detection and diagnosis based on C4. 5 decision tree algorithm for grid connected PV system | Solar Energy | A | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2018.07.089 |
03 | S. Blaifi, Samir Moulahoum, I. Colak, W. Merrouche | Monitoring and enhanced dynamic modeling of battery by genetic algorithm using LabVIEW applied in photovoltaic system | Electrical Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-017-0567-6 |
04 | M.S. Chaouche, H. Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, I. Colak | BA to construction of equivalent circuit of a transformer winding from frequency response analysis measurement | IET Electric Power Applications | A | https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-epa.2017.0418 |
05 | S. Blaifi, Samir Moulahoum, R. Benkercha, B. Taghezouit, A. Saim |
M5P model tree based fast fuzzy maximum power point tracker |
Solar Energy | A | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2018.01.071 |
06 | Ziane Kechidi, Ahmed Hafid Belbachir, Abdelatif Tahraoui | A capacitively coupled discharge operating on pure water vapor and mixture with helium at low and close to atmospheric pressure | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | A | https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-017-2601-4 |
07 | V. Tiron, I.L. Velicu, A.V. Nastuta, C. Costin, G. Popa, Ziane Kechidi, C. Ionita, R. Schrittwieser | Enhanced extraction efficiency of the sputtered material from a magnetically assisted high power impulse hollow cathode | Plasma Sources Science and Technology | B | https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6595/aad3ff |
Année de publication : 2017
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01 | Oualid Aissa, Samir Moulahoum, Badreddine Babes, Nadir Kabache | Design and real time implementation of three-phase three switches three levels Vienna rectifier based on intelligent controllers | Applied Soft Computing | A | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2017.03.001 |
Abderrahmen Benyamina, Samir Moulahoum, Ilhami Colak, Ramazan Bayindir | Design and real time implementation of adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system controller based unity single phase power factor converter | Electric Power Systems Research | A | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2017.07.025 | |
02 | Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, Nadir Kabache, | Harmonics generated by compact fluorescent lights: diagnostic and shunt active filtering | Harmonics generated by compact fluorescent lights: diagnostic and shunt active filtering | B | https://www.wseas.com/journals/electronics/2017/a265917-075.pdf |
Année de de communications :2023
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01 | Nassim Zemirline, Nadir Kabeche, Samir Moulahoum | Dual-Phase Shift Control of a Multilevel Dual Active Bridge ConverterPower Quality Improvement | 2023 International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (ACEMP) & 2023 International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ACEMP-OPTIM57845.2023.10287076 | |
02 | A. Bouhouta, S. Moulahoum, N. Kabache, A. Moualdia and I. Colak | Harmonics Compensation of Grid-Connected PV Systems Using a Novel M5P Model Tree Control | 2023 11th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid) | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10170901 |
Année de de communications : 2022
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01 | Hassane Ezziane, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum | Application of Support Vector Machine Classifier for Transformer Winding Faults Diagnosis | 2022 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD) | https://doi.org/10.1109/SSD54932.2022.9955840 |
Année de de communications : 2021
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01 | Oualid Aissa, Samir Moulahoum, Badreddine Babes, Ilhami Colak | Power Quality Enhancement of AC/DC Converter by a Smart Direct Power Control: Practical Assessment | 2021 10th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA52334.2021.9598539 | |
02 | Oualid Aissa, Samir Moulahoum, Ilhami Colak | Intelligent adaptive control of the SAPF intended to improve the power grid energy quality | 2021 9th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid) | https://doi.org/10.1109/icSmartGrid52357.2021.9551237 |
Année de communications : 2020
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01 | A.F. Kasse, N. Kabache and S. Moulahoum | A Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion System with Solid-State Transformer | 2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon) | https://doi.org/10.1109/PVCon51547.2020.9757798 | |
02 | A. Bouhouta, S. Moulahoum, N. Kabache and I. Colak | Adaptive PI Control Strategy Based on Fuzzy Logic for an Active Harmonic Compensator | 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Application (ICRERA) | WOS et SCOPUS | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA49962.2020.9242734 |
03 | M. Hallouz, N. Kabache and S. Moulahoum | A Wind Emulator Associated With Doubly-Fed Induction
Generator |
European Conference On Renewable Energy Systems ECRES | https://www.ecres.net/2020/ | |
04 | Rabah Benkercha, Samir Moulahoum, Bilal Taghezouit | New Decision Tree Controller for MPPT Based on Fuzzy Logic Controller Data | 2020 2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon) | https://doi.org/10.1109/PVCon51547.2020.9757758 | |
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Année de communications : 2019
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01 | A. Bouhouta, S. Moulahoum, N. Kabache and A. Benyamina | Design and Real Time Implementation of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Using Indirect Current Control Technique | International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICAEE47123.2019.9015096 | |
02 | A. Bouhouta, S. Moulahoum, N. Kabache and I. Colak | Experimental Investigation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Indirect Current Control Algorithm for Shunt Active Power Filter | 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) | WOS et SCOPUS | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA47325.2019.8997115 |
03 | M. Hallouz, N. Kabache and S. Moulahoum | DTC Backstepping Based Control of Double Fed Induction Generator | 2019 Progress in Applied Electrical Engineering (PAEE) | https://doi.org/10.1109/PAEE.2019.8789002 | |
04 | Abderrahmen Benyamina, Samir Moulahoum | FPGA in The Loop Based Single Phase Power Factor Correction | 2019 Progress in Applied Electrical Engineering (PAEE) | https://doi.org/10.1109/PAEE.2019.8788997 | |
05 | M-S Chaouche, H Houassine, S Moulahoum, S Bensaid, D Trichet | A novel generalized analytic expression of power transformer equivalent RLC model | 2019 19th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ISEF45929.2019.9097027 | |
06 | S. Abdi, L. Safiddine, A Boubakeur, A. Haddad | The Effect of Water Content on the Electrical Properties of Transformer Oil | The International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31680-8_52 |
Année de communications : 2018
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01 | A. Bouhouta, S. Moulahoum, N. Kabache and A. Benyamina | Design and Real Time Implementation of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Using Indirect Current Control Technique | International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICAEE47123.2019.9015096 | |
02 | A. Bouhouta, S. Moulahoum, N. Kabache and I. Colak | Experimental Investigation of Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Indirect Current Control Algorithm for Shunt Active Power Filter | 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) | WOS et SCOPUS | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA47325.2019.8997115 |
03 | M. Hallouz, N. Kabache and S. Moulahoum | DTC Backstepping Based Control of Double Fed Induction Generator | 2019 Progress in Applied Electrical Engineering (PAEE) | https://doi.org/10.1109/PAEE.2019.8789002 | |
04 | Rabah Benkercha, Samir Moulahoum, Bilal Taghezouit | Parameters extraction of single and double diode model using the flower algorithm | 2018 International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon) | https://doi.org/10.1109/PVCon.2018.8523968 |
Année de communications : 2017
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01 | Rabah Benkercha, Samir Moulahoum, Nadir Kabache | Combination of artificial neural network and flower pollination algorithm to model fuzzy logic MPPT controller for photovoltaic systems | 2017 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ISEF.2017.8090701 | |
02 | Rabah Benkercha, Samir Moulahoum, Ilhami Colak | Modelling of fuzzy logic controller of a maximum power point tracker based on artificial neural network | 2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMLA.2017.0-114 | |
03 | Moustafa Sahnoune Chaouche, Hamza Houassine, Samir Moulahoum, Ilhami Colak |
Finite element method to construct a lumped parameter ladder network of the transformer winding |
2017 IEEE 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRERA.2017.8191224 | |
04 | Moustafa Sahnoune Chaouche, Samir Moulahoum, Hamza Houassine | Three phase transformer modelling by frequency response analysis measurement | 2017 18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISEF) | https://doi.org/10.1109/ISEF.2017.8090727 |