Equipe 4 : Signaux et Systèmes Embarqués
Chef d’équipe: MOUALDIA Abdelhafidh
Composition de l’équipe N° 4 | |
Nom et Prénom | Grade |
Moualdia Abdelhafidh | MCA |
Boudana Djamel | Professeur |
Dali Mouhamed | MCA |
Alimohad Abdennour | MCA |
Reggai Djahid | MAA |
Axes de recherchas de l’équipe N° 4 :
- Conception des systèmes embarqués;
- Intégrations des systèmes hétérogènes;
- Ingénieries des systèmes embarqués et des microsystèmes;
- Commande numérique des systèmes embarqués;
- Méthodes et outils de conception des systèmes hétérogènes;
- Minimisation de ressources dans le cas circuits intégrés et multiprocesseurs;
- Synthèse haut niveau des circuits numériques (VHDL, Verilog, Handel C , C++…);
- Architecture de l’électronique intégrée et conception conjointe (Co-design) des circuits numériques, conception conjointe avec partitionnement logiciel/matériel;
- Programmation en temps réel pour les systèmes embarqués (ASIC, FPGA, DSP);
- Synthèse et optimisation d’implantations des systèmes complexes;
- Acquisition, traitement et exploitation des signaux;
- Circuits d’interfaçage;
- Systèmes embarqués pour la Robotique et la commande des machines électriques;
- Capteurs intelligents et Interface homme-machine.
N | Nom et prénom
Des auteurs |
Titre de l’article | Journal | Catégorie
A+/A/B/C |
Le lien sur netou
01 | Y. Chedni, DJ. Boudana, A. Moualdia, L. Nezli and P. Wira | Sensorless Two Series Connected Quasi Six-Phase IM Based Direct Torque Control for Torque Ripples Minimization | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
B |
02 | T. Djellouli, S. Moulahoum, A. Moualdia, M.S. Boucherit and P. Wira | Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control Strategy of a Doubly Fed Induction Motor Using an ANN and an EKF | Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory | B
03 | Abdelhafidh Moualdia, Saleh Boulkhrachef and Patrice Wira | Direct Torque Control-Fuzzy Type 2 for Direct Current Link Voltages Balancing of the Five-Level Cascade Converters Used in a Wind Energy Conversion System | Advances in Systems Science and Applications |
B |
https://journal.iem.pub.ro/rrst-ee/article/view/90/170 |
05 | Salim Mahdab, Abdelhafid Moualdia | IMPROVEMENT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING METHOD USING FUZZY LOGIC | Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) |
A |
https://jilindaxuexuebao.org/dashboard/uploads/2.W6X9Z.pdf |
06 | MOHAMED FEKIR, Abdelhafidh Moualdia | COMPREHENSIVE EXPLORATION AND DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION OF AN FPGA-BASED CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK | Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) | A | https://jilindaxuexuebao.org/dashboard/uploads/2.W6X9Z.pdf |
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Année de communications :2010
N | Nom et prénom
Des auteurs |
Titre de communications | Nom de (conférence, séminaire, congres…) | Indexation dans la base WOS, SCOPUS OU AUTRE…..
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01 | MUJAMMAL Mujammal, Abdelhafidh Moualdia, Djamel Boudana | Improved Classic Direct Torque Control Based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator Use Neural Network | The 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals &Devices (SSD’21) | ieeexplore | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9429515 |
02 | Djamel Eddine Beladjine, Djamel Boudana, Abdelhafidh Moualdia , Mohamed Hallouz and Patrice Wira | A Comparative Study of BLDC Motor Speed Control Using PI and ANN Regulator | The 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD’21) | ieeexplore | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9429515 |
03 | MUJAMMAL Mujammal, Boulkhrachef salah, Abdelhafidh Moualdia | Doubly Fed Induction Generator Performance Use Direct Torque Control Based on Artificial Neural Network | The First International Conference on Energy Transition and Security, May 22nd – 24th, 2021 Adrar, Algeria | https://icets.univ-adrar.edu.dz/ | |
04 | Djamel Eddine Beladjine, Djamel Boudana, Abdelhafidh Moualdia and Patrice WIRA | Wireless Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Control of Three-Phase Inverter Using RF-link | The 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE) 12-13 June 2020, Istanbul, Turkey | Ieeexplore | . https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/1833264/all-proceedings |
05 | Mohamed Hallouz, nadir Kabeche, Samir Moulahoum, Abdelhafidh Moualdia | A Wind Emulator Associated With Doubly-Fed Induction Generator | European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES2020), Istanbul / Turkey on 24-25 August 2020 | Ieeexplore | https://www.ecres.net/2020/ |
06 | Zekraoui Said, Abdelhafidh Moualdia, | Fault tolerant command based on the sliding fuzzy control of the double star asynchronous machine | 1st International Conference on Modern Electrical Engineering and Technology Souk-Ahras, Algeria | February 18th – 19th 2022 | Indexed in Web Of Science & Scopus | https://www.univ-soukahras.dz/wpuploads/2021/12/Call-For-Paper.pdf |
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Current sensor fault tolerant control of a double star induction motor DSIM using fuzzy sliding control Zekraoui Said; Moualdia Abdelhafidh |
Current sensor fault tolerant control of a double star induction motor DSIM using fuzzy sliding control | 2023 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICEEAT) | IEEE | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/10424967/proceeding |
08 | Ahmed Bouhouta;
Samir Moulahoum; Nadir Kabache; Abdelhafidh Moualdia; Ilhami Colak |
Harmonics Compensation of Grid-Connected PV Systems Using a Novel M5P Model Tree Control | 2023 11th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid) | IEEE | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/1016913
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Mohammed Abdulelah Albasheri;
Ouahid Bouchhida; Youcef Soufi; Abdelhafidh Moualdia; Mujammal Mujammal |
Control And Power Management of DC Microgrid Based Wind/Battery/Supercapacitor | 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA) | IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MI-STA54861.2022.9837665 |
11 | Mujammal Ahmed Hasan Mujammal;
Abdelhafidh Moualdia; Ouahid Bouchhida; Mohammed Abdulelah Albasheri |
Upgrade Perturbation and Observation of MPPT Strategy via Fuzzy Logic Controller | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419670 |
12 | Albasheri Mohammed Abdulelah;
Bouchhida Ouahid; Soufi Youcef; Cherifi Abderrezzak; Moualdia Abdelhafidh |
Improve Lifespan of Battery Energy Storage in Remote Area Power System | 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) | IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419419 |
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