Intitulé de l’équipe 2:Microélectronique et traitement de l’information en temps réel

Acronyme et code:MTITR   C0561002

Chef d’équipe: Dr. Batel Noureddine

Batel Noureddine (chef d’équipe) Pr
Maazouz Mohamed MCA
Kheddar Hamza MCA
Essaid Billel MAA

Description de la thématique:

Les recherches de l’équipe MTITR ont pour but le développement des systèmes électroniques à l’échelle micrométrique. Les diverses réalisations peuvent être concrétisées par implémentation sur FPGA ou à travers l’exécution en temps réel d’algorithmes spécifiques sur cartes à DSP adéquats.

Un traitement éventuel de l’information à transmettre ou à recevoir, peut être mené en vue d’une compression-décompression, codage-décodage, ou cryptage-décryptage, dépendant de la nature du signal informatif (parole, image, vidéo,…) et de son utilisation.

Mots clés: Microélectronique, traitement, information, temps réel, codage, FPGA, DSP.

Année de publication : 2014 – 2024

Nom et prénom

Des auteurs

Titre de l’article Journal Catégorie


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01 Samir Benzegane, MounirBouhedda, NoureddineBatel Hyperchaos-based cryptosytem to secure WSN data transfer for smart home application International Journal of Information Technology B
02 AyoubBengherbia, NoureddineBatel Real Time Implementation of a Software PLL on a

TMS320C6713 DSP

NeuroQuantology B https://doi: 10.48047/nq.2023.21.6.NQ23160
03 Hamza Kheddar, Mustapha Hemis,  et al. Automatic Speech Recognition using Advanced Deep Learning Approaches:  A survey Information fusion, Elsevier A
04 Yassine Habchi, Yassine Himeur, Hamza Kheddar,  et al. AI in Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis: Techniques, Trends, and Future Directions MDPI systems A
05 Hamza Kheddar, Mustapha Hemis, et al. Deep Learning for Steganalysis of Diverse Data Types: A review of methods, taxonomy, challenges and future directions Neurocomputing journal A
06 Hamza Kheddar, Yassine Himeur, et al. Deep transfer learning for intrusion detection in industrial

control networks: A comprehensive review

Journal of Network and Computer Applications A
07 Ammar Chouchane, MohceneBessaoudi, Hamza Kheddar, et al. Multilinear subspace learning for Person Re-Identification based fusion of high order tensor features Engineering

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

08 Hamza Kheddar , and David Megıas High capacity speech steganography for the G723. 1 coder based on quantised line spectral pairs interpolation and CNN auto-encoding Applied Intelligence A
09 Hamza Kheddar , MerouaneBouzid, and David Megıas Pitch and Fourier magnitude based steganography for hiding 2.4 kbps MELP bitstream. IET Signal Processing A
10 Mohamed Rebiai, BillelBengharbia, Mohamed Maazouz, et al. FPGA implementation of an improved envelope detection approach for bearing fault diagnosis Journal of Engineering and Applied Science B
11 Abdallah Azzouz a, BillelBengherbia a, Patrice Wira b, Nail Alaoui c, AbdelkerimSouahlia d, Mohamed Maazouz a, Hamza Hentabeli An efficient ECG signals denoising technique based on the combination of particle swarm optimisation and wavelet transform


Heliyon A
12 Mohamed Maazouz, AbdelmoughniToubal, et al.

FPGA implementation of a chaos-based image encryption algorithm

Journal of King Saud University Computer and Information Sciences A
13 Mohamed Maazouz, NoureddineBatel, et al.

Homogeneity-based fast CU partitioning algorithm for HEVC intra coding

Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal A
14 Ahmed CherifMazari, Hamza Kheddar Deep learning-based analysis of Algerian dialect dataset targeted hate speech, offensive language and cyberbullying International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems B
15 YassineHimeur, Somaya AL-Maadeed, Hamza Kheddar, et al. Video surveillance using deep transfer learning and deep domain adaptation: Towards better generalization Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence A


Année de communications : 2014 – 2024


Nom et prénom

Des auteurs

Titre de communications Nom de (conférence, séminaire, congres…) Indexation dans la base WOS, SCOPUS OU AUTRE….. Le lien sur net ou


01 Khalid Noureddine; Hamza Kheddar; Mohamed Maazouz Adversarial Example Detection Techniques in Speech Recognition Systems: A review


2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419688
02 BillelBengherbia; BenhammadaAbederrezzaq; MounirBouhedda; AbdelhafidTobbal; Mohamed Maazouz, et al. Base-station node implementation for real-time IoT/WSN Applications: Case of RSSI-based outdoor localisation 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419725
03 BillelBengherbia, Mohamed RafikAymeneBerkani, Zahra Achir, AbdelhafidTobbal, Mohamed Rebiai, Mohamed Maazouz Real-time smart system for ecg monitoring using a one-dimensional convolutional neural network 2022 International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Engineering (ICTASCE) Scopus 10.1109/ICTACSE50438.2022.10009707
04 NejmeddineBahri, Mohamed Maazouz, RandaKhemiri, NouriMasmoudi Parallel implementation of HEVC encoder on multicore ARM-based platform 2019 16th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD) Scopus 10.1109/SSD.2019.8893218
05 Bengherbia BILLEL, OuldZmirli MOHAMED, Chadli SAMIR, Toubal ABDELMOGHNI, Maazouz MOHAMED, Lachenani SIDAHMED High-performance Zynq FPGA-based wireless sensor node for vibration monitoring systems 2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS) Scopus 10.1109/ICASS.2018.8652026
06 ToubalAbdelmoghni, OuldZmirli Mohamed, BengherbiaBillel, Maazouz Mohamed, LachenaniSidahmed Implementation of AES coprocessor for wireless sensor networks 2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS) Scopus 10.1109/ICASS.2018.8652006
07 Maazouz Mohamed, BahriNejmeddine, BatelNoureddine, ToubalAbdelmoughni, Masmoudi Nouri Performance evaluation of frame-level parallelization in HEVC intra coding using heterogeneous multicore platforms 2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS) Scopus 10.1109/ICASS.2018.8652076
08 S TchoketchKebir, H Kheddar, M Maazouz, S Mekaoui, A Ferrah, R Mazari Smart robot navigation using rgb-d camera 2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS) Scopus 10.1109/ICASS.2018.8652025
09 AbdelmoughniToubal, BillelBengherbia, Mohamed Ouldzmirli, Mohamed Maazouz Energy efficient street lighting control system using wireless sensor networks 2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC) Scopus 10.1109/ICMIC.2016.7804246
10 Mohamed Maazouz, NejmeddineBahri, NoureddineBatel, AbdelmoughniToubal, Nouri Masmoudi Parallel implementation of Kvazaar HEVC on multicore ARM processor 2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC) Scopus 10.1109/ICMIC.2016.7804275
11 M Maazouz, S TchoktckKebir, B Bengherbia, A Toubal, N Batel, NejmeddineBahri A DCT-based algorithm for multi-channel near-lossless EEG compression 2015 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Scopus 10.1109/INTEE.2015.7416805
12 Amina Hamza, DjamelAddou, Hamza Kheddar Machine learning approach for automated detection and classification dysarthria severity 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419588
13 NoussaibaDjeffal, DjamelAddou, Hamza Kheddar, Sid Ahmed Selouani Noise-Robust Speech Recognition: A Compar-

ative Analysis of LSTM and CNN Approaches

2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419459
14 NoussaibaDjeffal, Hamza Kheddar, DjamelAddou, Ahmed CherifMazari, YassineHimeur, Automatic Speech Recog-
nition with BERT and CTC Transformers: A review
2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419784
15 Khalid Noureddine, Hamza Kheddar, Mohamed Maazouz Adversarial Example Detection Techniques in Speech Recog-

nition Systems: A review

2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419688
16 AfrahGueriani, Hamza Kheddar, Ahmed CherifMazari Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT:

A Survey

2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM) Scopus 10.1109/IC2EM59347.2023.10419560
17 Mazari Ahmed Cherif, and Hamza Kheddar Deep Learning- and Transfer Learning-based Models for COVID-19 De-

tection using Radiography Images

1st International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Control and Communication

Systems (ICAECCS 2023)

Scopus 10.1109/ICAECCS56710.2023.10104822
18 Hamza Kheddar, Yassine Himeur, et al. An Efficient Model for Horizontal Slicing in 5G Network using Practical


2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS) Scopus 10.1109/ICSPIS57063.2022.10002581
19 Hamza Kheddar, Ahmed CherifMazari, and GokhanHakki Ilk Speech Steganography based on Double Approximation

of LSFs Parameters in AMR Coding.

2022 7th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their

Applications (ISPA)

Scopus 10.1109/ISPA54004.2022.9786313
20 Hamza Kheddar, David Megias, and MerouaneBouzid Fourier magnitude-based steganography for hiding 2.4 kbps

melp secret speech.

2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS) Scopus 10.1109/ICASS.2018.8652057
21 Billel ESSAID, Noureddine BATEL New method based on single-channel separation algorithm using Gammatonefilterbank for cochlear implants 2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS) Scopus 10.1109/ICASS.2018.8652058
22 BillelEssaid, NoureddineBatel Evaluation of RF power attenuation in biomedical implants: Effect of a combination of coils misalignment with a biological tissue absorption 2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC) Scopus 10.1109/ICMIC.2016.7804200