L'aboratoire Matériaux et Environnement

Publications Internationales 2013-2016 :

Équipe 1

1.  Krea, M., Roizard, D., and Moulai-Mostefa, N. Synthesis and characterization of rubbery highly fluorinated siloxane-imide segmented copolymers. Polymer International . 2013.

2.  Abdelhak Skender, Amel Hadj-Ziane-Zafour, Emmanuel Flahaut “Chemical Functionalisation of Xanthan gum for the Dispersion of Double-WalledCarbon Nanotubes in Water”62 (2013) 149–156.

3. Menaa L. and Talaiche Z.«To a probabilistic approach of reinforced slope­ stability analysis». International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1. (2013), pp 125 – 130

4. Yamina Zouambia, Khadidja Youcef Ettoumi, Mohamed Krea, Nadji Moulai-Mostefa, A new approach for pectin extraction: Electromagnetic induction heating, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 13 November 2014. (doi:10.1016/j.arabjc.2014.11.011)

5. Lazazi Menaa, Ali Bouafia, A/K Cherifi. Design and Analysis of Technical Fabric – Confined Sand Wall Under Dynamical Impact load. Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering, Vol. 6, N°1, (2014), pp 12 – 17.

6. Mohamed Nedjhioui, Nadji Moulai-Mostefaa & Mohamed Tir, Effect of some physical and chemical properties on the interactions between biopolymers and anionic surfactants, Desalination and Water Treatment, Volume 55, Issue 13, 2015, pages 3704-3712

7.   Nedjhioui M, Moulai-Mostefa N, Tir M. Effect of some physical and chemical properties on the interactions between biopolymers and anionic surfactants. Desalination and Water GǪ 2015.

8. Krea M. Roizard D. Favre E., Copoly(alkyl ether imide) membranes as promising candidates    for CO2 capture applications, Séparation and purification technology, 2016


Équipe 2

  1. M. Guendouz, F. Debieb1, O. Boukendakdji, EH. Kadri, M. Bentchikou, H. Soualhi Use of plastic waste in sand concrete. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 7 (2) (2016) 382-389       http://www.jmaterenvironsci.com

  2. Chafika Settari, Farid Debieb, El. Hadj Kadri, Othmane Boukendakdji. Assessing the effects of recycled asphalt pavement materials on the performance of roller compacted concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 101 (2015) 617-621. Elsevier, Science-direct,     http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950061815304591

  3. Benimam Samir, DebiebFarid,Bentchikou Mohamed et Guendouz MohamedValorisation et Recyclage des Déchets Plastiques dans le Béton. MATEC Web of Conferences 11, 01033 (2014)

Équipe 3

  1. Moudir N, Boukennous Y, Moulai-Mostefa N, Bozetine I, Preparation of silver powder used for solar cell paste by reduction process. Energy Procedia, 36 (2013) 1184-1191. (Science direct, Elsevier)

  2.  Hammani S, Moulai-Mostefa N, … Effect of carbon black nanoparticle on the morphology rheology and thermal properties of emulsion polymer blends. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 10 (5/6/7) (2013) 533-542.

  3. Lefnaoui S, Moulai-Mostefa N. Investigation and optimization of formulation factors of a hydrogel network based on kappa carrageenan-pregelatinized starch blend using an experimental design. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 458 (2014) 117-125. (Science direct, Elsevier)

  4. Moulai-Mostefa N, Ladjelat S, Tir M. Optimization of operational parameters in the pretreatment of surface water by electrocoagulation using a response surface method. Deswater Journal, 52 (2014) 2382-2387. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  5. Moulai-Mostefa N, Sabri N, Khalladi R, Investigations of the Effects of Salt and Biopolymer Ratio on Sodium Caseinate-Xanthan Interactions in Aqueous Solution and Emulsions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 35 (2014) 390-396. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  6. Ladeg S, Ding L, Bals O, Moulai-Mostefa N, … Study of rotating disk assisted dead-end filtration of chicory juice and its performance optimization. Industrial Crops and Products 53 (2014) 154-162. (Science direct,Elsevier)

  7. Benaissa F., Kermet-Said H, Moulai-Mostefa N. Optimization and kinetic modeling of electrocoagulation treatment of dairy wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment Journal 57/13 (2016) 5988-5994. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  8. Kermet-Said H, Moulai-Mostefa N. Optimization of turbidity and COD removal from pharmaceutical wastewater by electrocoagulation. Isotherm modeling and cost analysis. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 24/3 (2015) 1049-1061.

  9. Lefnaoui S, Moulai-Mostefa N. Polyelectrolyte complex based on carboxymethyl-kappa-carrageenan and Eudragit RL 30D as prospective carriers for sustained drug delivery. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 97 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 165-174. (Science direct, Elsevier)

  10. Lefnaoui S, Moulai-Mostefa N . Synthesis and evaluation of the structural and physicochemical properties of carboxymethyl pregelatinized starch as a pharmaceutical excipient. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 23/6 (2015) 698-711. (Science direct, Elsevier)

  11. Moudir N, Moulai-Mostefa N, … Effects of Operating Parameters on the Structural Properties of Silver Particles Synthesized by Chemical Reduction Using Poly (N-Vinylpyrrolidone). Particulate Science Technology: An International Journal 33/5 (2015) 482-487. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  12. Seddari S, Moulai-Mostefa N. Double Emulsions Stabilized by Xanthan in the Absence of Hydrophilic Surfactant. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 37/4 (2016) 530-535. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  13. Seddari, S   Moulai-Mostefa, N , Formulation and Characterization of Double Emulsions Stabilized by Sodium Caseinate–Xanthan Mixtures. Effect of pH and Biopolymer Concentration Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 36 (2014) 51-60. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  14. Tir M, Moulai-Mostefa N, Nedjhioui M . Optimizing decolorization of methylene blue dye by electrocoagulation using Taguchi approach. Desalination and Water Treatment 55/10 (2015) 2705-2710. (Francis and Taylor journals)

  15. Rahal S, Khalladi R, Moulai-Mostefa N . Solubilization of Crude Oil by Extended and Other Anionic Surfactants. Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering 41/1 (2016) 111-117. (Springer)

Équipe 4

  1. Fetta Ait Ahsene-Aissat, Yacine Moussaoui,Yacine Kerchich, Feriel Guenane and Messaoud Hachemi: PCCD/Fs AND BTEXs IN THE VICINITY OF AN INDUSTRIAL WASTE INCINERATOR IN NORTHERN ALGERIA. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. Vol 24/ No 4/pages 1318 – 1325

  2. Mohamed Khazrane, Mounir ZIRARI, Numerical study for the analysis of defects in metal injection modelling process, International Scientific publications, Materials, Methods and Technologies, Vol ume 9 2015.

  3. Tayeb Kermezli, Mohamed ANNOUN, Aicha Bensmaili, The effect of the heat treatment level HT on the mechanical behavior of cork, MECHANIKA. 2016 Volume 22(1): 73-77


Publication internationale 2008-2011

Équipe 1

  1. Krea, D. Roizard, N. Moulai-Mostefa , Synthesis and characterization of rubbery fluorinated siloxane-imide segmented copolymers, Polymer International (2012) DOI 10.1002/pi.4427; www.wiley.com

  2. R. Khalladi, O. Benhabiles, F. Bentahar, N. Moulai-Mostefa, Surfactant remediation of diesel polluted soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164: 2-3, (2009) 1179-1184; www.sciencedirect.com

Équipe 2

  1. O. Boukendakdji, S. Kenai, E. Kadri, S. Kenai, effect of granulatedblast furnace slag and superplasticizer on the fresh properties and compressive strength of sejf compacting concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites 34 (2012) 583–590; www.sciencedirect.com

  2. S. Kenai, F. Debieb, Caractérisation de la durabilité des bétons recyclés à base de gros et fins granulats de briques et de béton concassé, Materials and Structures (2011) 44:815–824

  3. F.Debieb, L. Courad, S. Kenai,  Robert Degeimbre, Mechanical and durability properties of concrete using contaminated recycled aggregates, Cement and Concrete Composites 32 (2010) 421–426; www.sciencedirect.com

  4. F. Debieb, L. Courad, S. Kenai, R. Degeimbre, Roller compacted concrete with contaminated recycled aggregates, Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 3382-3387; www.sciencedirect.com

  5. O. Boukendakdji, S. Kenai, E. Kadri, F. Rouis, Effect of slag on the rheology of fresh self-compacting concrete, Construction and Building Materials 23 ( 2009) 2593-2598; www.sciencedirect.com

  6. F. Debieb, S. Kenai,  The use of fine and coarse crushed bricks as aggregates in concrete, Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886-893;www.sciencedirect.com

Équipe 2

  1. N. Moulai-Mostefa, M. Frappart, O. Akoum,L. Ding, M.Y. Jaffrin, Separation of water from metal working emulsions by ultrafiltration using vibratory membranes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 177 ( 2010) 978-982; www.sciencedirect.com.

  2. A. SkenderN. Moulai-Mostefa,M. Tir, Effects of operational parameters on the removal efficiency of non-ionic surfactant by electroflotation, Desalination Wat. Treat. 13 (2010 ) 213-216; www.deswater.com.

  3. M.  Tir, N. Moulai-Mostefa, Electrochemical treatment of metal working emulsions using Box-Behnken design, Desalination Wat. Treat. 7 (2009) 214-219;www.deswater.com.

  4. Y. Zouambia, N. Moulai-Mostefa, M. Krea, Structural characterization and surface activity of hydrophobically functionalized extracted pectins, Carbohydr. Polym. 78 (2009) 841-846; www.sciencedirect .com.

  5. M. Nedjhioui, N. Moulai-Mostefa, J.P. Canselier, A. Bensmaili,Investigation of combined effects of xanthan gum, sodium dedecyl sulphate and salt on some physicochemical properties of their mixtures using a response surface method, J. Dispersion Sci. Technol. 30 (2009 ) 1333-1341; www.tandf.co.uk/journals/.

  6. M. Tir, N. Moulai-Mostefa, Optimization of oil Removal from Oily Wastewater by Electrocoagulation Using Response Surface Method, J. Hazard. Mater. 158 (2008) 107–115; www.sciencedirect .com

 Équipe  4

  1. Y. Kerchich, R. Kerbachi , Measurement of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) levels at urban and semirural areas of Algiers City using passive air samplers, Journal of air and waste management association (2012) 62, 12, 1370-1379

  2. Yacine Moussaoui Ludovic Tuduri,Yacine Kerchich  et al , Atmospheric concentrations of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and some pesticides in northern Algeria using passive air sampling, Chemosphere, 88, 3, 2012, 270–277www.sciencedirect.com

  3. A. Abdellah El-Hadj,M. Zirari, N. Bacha , Numerical analysis of the effect of the gas temperature on splat formationduring thermal spray processNumerical analysis of partially molten splat during thermal spray process using the finite element method, Applied Surf. Sci. 257 (2010) 1643–1648,www.sciencedirect.com

  4. Y. Kerchich, R. Kerbachi, H. Khatraoui , Ambient Air Levels of Aromatic Organic Compounds in the Urban Area of Algiers, Algeria, Asian J. Chem. 23 (2010) 323-330;www.asianjournalofchemistry.co.in

  5. M. Zirari, A. Abdellah El Hadj, M. Bacha , Numerical analysis of partially molten splat during thermal spray process usingthe finite element method, Applied Surf. Sci.256 (2010) 3581–3585,www.sciencedirect.com


Publications Internationales 2004:

1.  Krea, M., Roizard,D., Moulai-Mustefa ,N. and Sacco,D., « Synthesis of Polysiloxane-Imide Membranes — Application to the Extraction of Organics From Water Mixtures », Desalination, V.163, n°1-3, (March 2004), 203-206.

2.  Krea, M., Roizard,D., Moulai-Mostefa,N. and Sacco,D ., « New Copolyimide Membranes With High Siloxane Content Designed to Remove Polar Organics From Water by Pervaporation », Journal of Membrane Science, V.241, n°1, (September 2004), 55-64.